%0 Journal Article %T Adenoma suprarrenal funcional en gestante de 32 semanas programada para ces¨¢rea Functional adrenal adenoma in a pregnant woman with a 32 week gestation scheduled for cesarean section %A Marta In¨¦s Berr¨ªo Valencia %A Carolina Vallejo Yepes %J Revista Colombiana de Anestesiolog¨ªa %D 2012 %I Sociedad Colombiana de Anestesiolog¨ªa %X La coexistencia de s¨ªndrome de Cushing y embarazo es rara. El diagn¨®stico es dif¨ªcil, ya que la gestaci¨®n produce s¨ªntomas y signos de hipercortisolismo. Su tratamiento idealmente es quir¨²rgico, pero conlleva un importante incremento de la morbimortalidad materna y fetal debido a complicaciones como hipertensi¨®n, preeclampsia, diabetes gestacional, aborto y parto pret¨¦rmino. Presentamos el caso de una primigestante de 32 semanas con s¨ªndrome de Cushing secundario a un adenoma suprarrenal funcional programada para ces¨¢rea. The coexistence of Cushing syndrome and pregnancy is rare. Diagnosis is difficult because pregnancy can be accounted for signs and symptoms of hypercortisolism. Ideally, the treatment is surgical, though it implies a significant rise in morbidity and mortality for both the mother and the fetus. This is due to the increased number of complications such as hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, abortion and preterm delivery. We present the case of a primiparous patient with a 32 week gestation and Cushing syndrome secondary to a functional adrenal adenoma who's been scheduled for a caesarean section. %K S¨ªndrome de Cushing %K Embarazo %K Anestesia %K Ces¨¢rea %K Cushing syndrome %K Pregnancy %K Anesthesia %K Cesarean section %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-33472012000300012