%0 Journal Article %T Un acercamiento preliminar al estudio de la base local de recursos l¨ªticos y al an¨¢lisis artefactual en el poblado arqueol¨®gico de Rinc¨®n Chico (per¨ªodo Tard¨ªo), valle de Yocavil, Catamarca. %A Erico Germ¨¢n Ga¨¢l %J Comechingonia Virtual : Revista Electr¨®nica de Arqueolog¨ªa %D 2011 %I Comechingonia Virtual %X In this paper, we present preliminary data of the lithic artifacts analysis from Rinc¨®n Chico. This archaeological site belongs to the Late Period and is located in the Department of Santa Mar¨ªa, Valley Yocavil, province of Catamarca . Here we assessed the general characteristics and trends obtained from the sets from the sites no 1, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18. This will be done after assessing the diversity of lithics raw materials used in the archaeological record and those that are available in the local landscape. Finally, we will analize the technical characteristics of the artifactual assemblage and the reconstruction of technical and operational sequence of production in quartz. %K Lithics artifacts %K Raw materials %K Techno-morphological analysis %K Yocavil Valley . %U http://www.comechingonia.com/virtual%20V%202011/EricoGermanGaal.htm