%0 Journal Article %T Only Through Men %A Brooke E. Covington %J Colonial Academic Alliance Undergraduate Research Journal %D 2012 %I Colonial Academic Alliance %X ¡°Only Through Men¡± details the influences and contributions that Aspasia of Miletus made to the rhetorical tradition. Aspasia was one of the first female rhetoricians in Athens during the 5th century B.C. Because of her gender, she has been marginalized throughout history almost to the point of disappearance. The paper examines the different ways in which Aspasia was able to escape the realm of silence that she was forced into simply because she was a female. Her influence was aided by her close relationships with influential men who, ironically, worked to give her a voice. These men, who were directly a part of the patriarchal society that silenced her, helped to keep her legacy alive by mentioning her in their many famous works. The paper specifically explores her connections with Pericles, Socrates, and Aristotle¡ªeach of whom praises her intelligence and mastery with words. Primary documents that mention Aspasia were examined and excerpts are given throughout the paper. Secondary research conducted by experts in the field is also paired with the primary evidence, giving a more global view of who Aspasia was and what she was able to accomplish during her lifetime and beyond. %U http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1072&context=caaurj