%0 Journal Article %T Time Extensions of Petri Nets for Modelling and Verification of Hard Real-Time Systems %A Slawomir Samolej %A Tomasz Szmuc %J Computer Science %D 2002 %I AGH University of Science and Technology Press %X The main aim ofthe paper is a presentation of time extensions of Petri nets appropriate for modelling and analysis of hard real-time systems. It is assumed, that the extensions must provide a model of time flow an ability to force a transition to fire within a stated timing constraint (the so-called the strong firing rule), and timing constraints represented by intervals. The presented survey includes extensions of classical Place/Transition Petri nets, as well as the ones applied to high-level Petri nets. An expressiveness of each time extension is illustrated using simple hard real-time system. The paper includes also a brief description of analysis and veryication methods related to the extensions, and a survey of software tools supporting modelling and analysis ofthe considered Petri nets. %K Real-time systems %U http://www.csci.agh.edu.pl/39/1/cs2002%2D04.pdf