%0 Journal Article %T TRANSMISS O DE C¨®DIGO DE BARRAS POR R¨¢DIO FREQU¨ºNCIA USANDO MICROCONTROLADORES %A Alexandre S. Gonsalves %A Almir O. Artero %J Colloquium Exactarum %D 2010 %I University of Western Sao Paulo, UNOESTE %R 10.5747/ce.2010.v02.n2.e014 %X This paper presents a wireless barcode system reader, which can, advantageously, replace the wired system, used in most applications. Using a microcontroller to do all the processing, the proposed system transmits the information collected by a simple wire barcode reader with a common thread to a computer using radio frequency signals. With a low cost, the proposed project allows its use in various applications that need to collect data, mainly, in areas of difficult access, or when it is impossible to bring the object into the reader connected to the wired computer. %K Barcode %K microcontrollers %U dx.doi.org/10.5747/ce.2010.v02.n2.e014