%0 Journal Article %T Security Model for TCP/IP Protocol Suite %A Anand Kumar %A S. Karthikeyan %J Journal of Advances in Information Technology %D 2011 %I Academy Publisher %R 10.4304/jait.2.2.87-91 %X the Internet has instantly evolved into a vast global network in the growing technology. TCP/IP Protocol Suite is the basic requirement for today¡¯s Internet. Internet usage continues to increase exponentially. So network security becomes a growing problem. Even though IPv6 comes with build mechanism IPsec for security, it lacks security in Application layer of TCP/IP protocol suite. IPv6 solves most of the security breaches for IPv4 with the use of IPsec. But IPsec doesn¡¯t have any security provision in the application layer. So there is a need for security mechanism. In this paper some of the security flaws of IPv6 are identified and we present a new architecture for TCP/IP protocol suite. Our proposed architecture includes a layer called security layer, which guarantees security to Application layer using a protocol Application layer security protocol (ALSP). %K Internet %K TCP/IP %K Cryptography %K Security %K Protocol %U http://ojs.academypublisher.com/index.php/jait/article/view/4467