%0 Journal Article %T "Without Him the Indians Would Leave and Nothing Would Get Done." The Changing Relationship Between the Caciques and the Audiencia of Charcas Following Francisco de Toledo*s Reforms "Without Him the Indians Would Leave and Nothing Would Get Done." The Changing Relationship Between the Caciques and the Audiencia of Charcas Following Francisco de Toledo*s Reforms %A Jay David Thornton %J Bolivian Studies Journal %D 2012 %I University Library System, University of Pittsburgh %R 10.5195/bsj.2011.38 %X Viceroy Francisco de Toledo*s 16th century population re每concentrations of the indigenous peoples of Charcas (modern day Bolivia) have been widely recognized as the most definitive attempt to transform indigenous Andean society along Iberian lines of settlement and government. While the previously dispersed indigenous populations were resettled into a limited number of urban towns, native tribute obligations elevated, and Castilian forms of municipal government imposed, modern historiography is still debating the precise details of what Toledo*s reforms meant for the indigenous populations of this district. A review of decisions made by the Audiencia of Charcas and the contemporary correspondence of this court*s judges are examined to illustrate how the relationship between the high court and indigenous leaders 求caciques求 changed through the period of Toledo*s reforms. This investigation reveals an explicit and previously underappreciated transformation in the political model from one where caciques frequently sought out and received legitimization from the Audiencia 求similar to the model used in the Inca system求 to a situation where the caciques understood and utilized the Audiencia less as a partner in power and instead as a forum to be opportunistically used to obtain economic goods and privileges. Using the figure of the cacique as a proxy, this province每wide perspective on the changes engendered to native society by Toledo*s reforms is distinct from but complementary to the several more localized studies on the subject undertaken by other historians. The changes elucidated by these court records and official correspondence suggest the origins of the emergence of indigenous leaders whose skillful use of the colonial legal system would represent a hallmark of indigenous每Spanish relations throughout the remaining two centuries of the Spanish presence in the Viceroyalty of Peru. Las re每concentraciones de las poblaciones ind赤genas del siglo XVI en Charcas (actual Bolivia) llevadas a cabo por el Virrey Francisco de Toledo han sido ampliamente reconocidas como la tentativa definitiva de transformar la sociedad andina ind赤gena de acuerdo a esquemas ib谷ricos de gobierno. Si bien es indiscutible que bajo estas medidas las previamente dispersas poblaciones ind赤genas fueron reorganizadas en torno a centros urbanos, elevado el tributo nativo e impuestas formas castellanas de gobierno municipal, la historiograf赤a moderna todav赤a discute las repercusiones que las reformas de Toledo tuvieron para las poblaciones ind赤genas de este districto. Este trabajo plantea %K Acuerdos %K Audiencia of Charcas %K Caciques %K Francisco de Toledo*s Reforms %K Indigenous Identity in 16th Century Charcas %K Juan de Matienzo %K Oidores %U http://bsj.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/bsj/article/view/38