%0 Journal Article %T ¡°DE SERVO A VIG¨¢RIO DE CRISTO¡± A Potestas Papal no Per¨ªodo de Greg¨®rio VII %A Agemir de Carvalho Dias %J Brathair %D 2005 %I Brathair %X This paper discusses the Pope¡¯s power development at Gregory VII period. Popes and secular authorities dispute the power over the Church. It was tried to show that the Church Reform searched by Cluny monks and the Empire took to the Church power centralization and to the absolute power claim by the Pope. This context generated a conflict between religious and secular power. %K Christian Church %K Gregory VII %K Monastic Reform %U http://ppg.revistas.uema.br/index.php/brathair/article/view/581/502