%0 Journal Article %T Os Celtas e os Cultos das ¨¢guas: Cren as e Rituais %A Filippo Louren£¿o Olivieri %J Brathair %D 2006 %I Brathair %X The aim of this work is to study the importance of the water cults in the Celtic Tradition. The rivers, springs, and lakes had main place in the religious ideology of the people with Celtic Culture. The wet places were the main way to access to the Other World and the Celts believed that lakes, pools and wells had magic power and healing virtues. The wet places are also associated with women.The ultimate discoveries have shown that the cults linked with water were present in the everyday life of the people in ancient Celtic Word. Therefore, the importance of studies on such subject. We will use the contribution of the Classic writers, of Archaeology and of the Celtic Mythology. Scholars like Mircea Eliade, Georges Dum¨¦zil and others will be important for our explanation. %K Celtic Religion %K Water cults %K Celtic Other World. %U http://ppg.revistas.uema.br/index.php/brathair/article/view/559/483