%0 Journal Article %T A Modification on Linear Systematic Sampling for Odd Sample Size %A J. Subramani %J Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining %D 2012 %I Bonfring %R 10.9756/bijdm.1354 %X The present paper deals with a modification on the selection of linear systematic sample of odd size. Consequently the proposed method is called modified linear systematic sampling. The performances of the modified linear systematic sampling are assessed with that of simple random sampling and linear systematic sampling for certain hypothetical populations. As a result, it is observed that the modified systematic sample mean performs better than the simple random sample mean and the usual systematic sample mean for estimating the population mean in the presence of linear trend among the population values. %K Linear Trend %K Modified Systematic Sampling %K Simple Random Sampling %U http://www.journal.bonfring.org/papers/dm/volume2/BIJ-002-1354.pdf