%0 Journal Article %T As and Se interactions with fly ashes %A M.A. L¨®pez-Ant¨®n %A M. D¨ªaz-Somoano %A M.R. Martinez-Tarazona %J Boletin del Grupo Espa£¿ol del Carbon %D 2012 %I Grupo Espa?ol del Carbon %X Arsenic and selenium are toxic elements present incoal in trace concentrations that may be emitted tothe environment during coal conversion processes.However, it is possible to retain volatile arsenic andselenium compounds in the fly ashes originated bythe process, the proportions retained depending onthe characteristics of the ashes and processconditions. This work is focused on the capture ofthese elements in fly ashes in simulated coalcombustion and gasification atmospheres inlaboratory scale reactors. %U http://www.gecarbon.org/Boletines/articulos/boletinGEC_023_art.3.pdf