%0 Journal Article %T Modelo de gesti¨®n por competencias aplicado al proceso de capacitaci¨®n en una instituci¨®n de salud p¨²blica de la quinta regi¨®n de Chile %A Selma-Cyntia Segovia-D¨ªaz %J Bolet¨ªn Cient¨ªfico Sapiens Research %D 2012 %I Sapiens Research Group %X The complex problems that health organizations confront have re-cently brought about a professionalization of administrative and man-agement positions for professionals from the medical sciences and other disciplines. In this context, the present study proposes a valid, reliable and timely methodology of training analysis detection. The competency-based management model is utilized since it constitutes an effective tool for personal development. A common saying states that ¡°the key to effective management is in the people that partici-pate in it¡±. The general objective of this work is to design the annual training plan for the strategic unit consisting of the management team of a highly complex public hospital. To this end, an institutional dictionary is created which includes 213 competencies (abilities, knowledge and tools), divided into three types of competencies -over-arching, management and specific. 48 over-arching competencies, 36 management competencies and 129 specific competencies area defined. Subsequently, position profiles are defined which correspond to the six members of the management team. These profiles are necessary in order to determine the 12 management competencies. The management competencies are identified as: performance evaluation and rating, negotiation, results-based management, planning and management control, budget management, human resources management, information analysis and synthesis capabilities, management and team coordination, process management, leadership and supervision, knowledge management and decision-making. Once the position profiles of the management team are defined, the competencies are evaluated by the six team members. The evaluation findings show that the largest gaps are concentrated in the following competencies: performance evaluation and rating, results-based management, negotiation, planning and management control, budget management and management and team coordination. These findings are congruent with prior information about this context that reveals the existence of an historical hospital debt and a climate of worker discontent. An annual training plan is proposed, based on competencies that evidenced larger gaps, clearly identifying the indicators that need developing at the medium and high levels). 12 courses need to be conducted, one for each objective that needs developing. The findings point to the need to professionalize the health teams in the areas of administration. There is a great need to have better prepared manag-ers in the health services field. Hospitals, be they public or priv %K institutional dictionary %K management competencies %K model of competency-based management %K training needs analysis %U http://www.sapiensresearch.org/images/pdf/v2n1/V2N1_Psique_1.pdf