%0 Journal Article %T Pollen of the restinga vegetation of Algodoal/Maiandeua, Par¨¢, Brazil. III. Polygalaceae and Polygonaceae %A Fl¨¢via Cristina Ara¨²jo Lucas %A L¨¦a Maria Medeiros Carreira %A Ely Simone Cajueiro Gurge %A Th¨¢lia do Socorro Serra Gama %J Boletim do Museu Paraense Em¨ªlio Goeldi : Ci¨ºncias Naturais %D 2010 %I Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi %X This study deals on pollen morphology of Polygalaceae and Polygonaceae in the Algodoal/Maiandeua island (coast of Par¨¢State, Brazil), represented, respectively, by the species Polygala adenophora DC., P. monticola Kunth, P. spectabilis DC.,P. variabilis Kunth, Coccoloba latifolia Lam., and C. ramosissima Wedd. Pollen grains from flower buttons, obtained fromherbarium specimens, were acetholysed, described, measured, and photomicrographed under optical and scanning electronmicroscope. In the pollen grains of Polygalaceae, the size varies from medium to large, the shape from subprolate to prolatespheroidal, 9 (-10) (-13) (-16)-colporate, psilated to perforate sexine. Polygonaceae shows pollen grains prolate, tricolporate,and microreticulate sexine. An identification key based on exine ornamentation of the pollen of the studied species is given. %K Pollen morphology %K Coastal ecosystems %K Dicotyledonous %U http://www.museu-goeldi.br/editora/bn/artigos/cnv5n3_2010/polen%28lucas%29.pdf