%0 Journal Article %T Simulaci車n num谷rica de ensayos de compresi車n diametral para la evaluaci車n de discos cer芍micos porosos %A Sandoval %A M. L. %A Tomba Martinez %A A. G. %A Cameruci %A M. A. %J Bolet赤n de la Sociedad Espaˋola de Cer芍mica y Vidrio %D 2012 %I Sociedad Espa?ola de Cer芍mica y Vidrio %R 10.3989/cyv.262012 %X The mechanical behavior of porous cordierite materials was studied by diametral compression tests. The analytical solution allowing the indirect measuring of the tensile mechanical strength in this load configuration is formulated under certain assumption which may be not satisfied in practice. With the aim to analyze deviations of the ideal conditions, the test was simulated using computational techniques. Porous cordierite disks were prepared by firing (650 ∼C, 2h) and reaction-sintering (1330 ∼C, 4h) of green disks shaped by thermogelling the aqueous suspensions of a cordierite precursor mixture (kaolin, talc and alumina) with native potato starch as a consolidator/binder of ceramic particles and a pore former by burn-out at high temperature. The mechanical tests were carried out in displacement control (0.2 mm/min) using a servohydraulic testing machine. From the apparent stress-strain ratio, the following parameters were determined: mechanical strength, apparent Young modulus and yield stress. Fracture features of tested disks were also analyzed. The influence of the geometrical deviations more usually identified in practice (deviation of the circularity and no parallelism between the plane surfaces of the disk) on the stress distribution was studied by means of the simulation by finite element method, considering the Hertz∩s equation for contact problems as reference. Se estudi車 el comportamiento mec芍nico de materiales porosos de cordierita mediante ensayos en compresi車n diametral. La soluci車n anal赤tica que permite la medici車n indirecta de la resistencia mec芍nica a tracci車n en compresi車n diametral se formula bajo ciertas condiciones que no suelen satisfacerse en la pr芍ctica. Con el objetivo de analizar desviaciones de las condiciones ideales se simul車 el ensayo con t谷cnicas computacionales. Los discos porosos de cordierita se obtuvieron por calcinaci車n (650 ∼C, 2h) y reacci車n-sinterizaci車n (1330 ∼C, 4h) de cuerpos en verde preparados por consolidaci車n t谷rmica (85 ∼C, 4h) de suspensiones acuosas de una mezcla precursora de cordierita (caol赤n, talco y al迆mina) con almid車n nativo de papa. Los ensayos mec芍nicos se realizaron en una m芍quina servohidr芍ulica en control por desplazamiento (0,2 mm/min). A partir de la relaci車n aparente tensi車n-deformaci車n se determinaron los par芍metros mec芍nicos: m車dulo de Young aparente, resistencia mec芍nica y l赤mite el芍stico. Sobre los discos ensayados se analizaron las caracter赤sticas de la fractura. La influencia de las desviaciones geom谷tricas m芍s frecuentes identificadas en la pr芍ctica (desviaci車n de la circularidad %K Diametral compression %K Numerical simulation %K Porous ceramics %K Cordierite %K Compresi車n diametral %K Simulaci車n num谷rica %K Cer芍micos porosos %K Cordierita %U http://ceramicayvidrio.revistas.csic.es/index.php/ceramicayvidrio/article/view/1141/1175