%0 Journal Article %T Determination of the critical hydrophile-lipophile balance of licuri oil from Syagrus coronata: application for topical emulsions and evaluation of its hydrating function %A Leila Bastos Leal %A Giovana Damasceno Sousa %A Karoline Bel谷m Seixas %A Pedro Henrique Nogueira de Souza %J Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences %D 2013 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %X The aims of this study were to determine the critical hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) of licuri oil, and to perform a clinical assay to evaluate its hydrating effects. For the determination of the HLB, serial emulsions were prepared with the oil. Regarding the clinical study, 13 human subjects were recruited to evaluate the hydrating power of the emulsified preparation containing licuri oil, and comparing it with the same preparation containing sweet almond oil (SAO). The critical HLB of licuri oil was represented by the zones within the concentrations of 10% for the oil and 15% for the pair of tensoactive agents, with a value of 11.8. Both preparations showed similar hydrating power. We propose that licuri oil can be considered a new lipophilic adjuvant with hydrating characteristics, which can be used in cosmetic preparations, replacing consecrated oils, such as SAO. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o EHL cr赤tico do 車leo licuri e realizar um ensaio cl赤nico para avaliar os seus efeitos hidratantes. Para a determina o do EHL foram preparadas emuls es seriadas contendo esse 車leo. Em rela o ao estudo cl赤nico, avaliamos o poder hidratante de prepara o emulsionada com 車leo de licuri, comparando-a com a mesma prepara o contendo 車leo de am那ndoas doces (OAD), em 13 volunt芍rios. O EHL cr赤tico do 車leo de licuri foi representado pelas zonas dentro das concentra es de 10% para o 車leo e 15% para o par de tensoativos, com um valor de 11,8 e ambas as prepara es mostraram poder hidratante similar. Desta forma, o 車leo de licuri pode ser considerado um novo adjuvante lipof赤lico com fun o hidratante, o qual pode ser usado em prepara es cosm谷ticas, substituindo 車leos de consagrado uso, tais como o OAD. %K Licuri %K Licuri %K Licuri %K Licuri %K Emuls o %K Hidrata o da pele %K Licuri %K Licuri %K Licuri %K Licuri %K Emulsions %K Skin hydration %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1984-82502013000100018