%0 Journal Article %T AVALIA O DA AUTOEFIC¨¢CIA METACOGNITIVA DE ATLETAS DE FUTEBOL DO ESTADO DE ROND NIA %A Gabriel da Silva de Freitas Alves %A Alisson Padilha de Lima %A Fabr¨ªcio Bruno Cardoso %J Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity %D 2012 %I %X ALVES, G. S. F.; LIMA, A. P.; CARDOSO, F. B. Avalia o da auto efic¨¢cia metacognitiva de atletas de futebol do estado de Rond nia. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity. v. 6, n. 2, p. 77-83, 2012. This study aimed to evaluate whether soccer players aged between 17 and 18, are perceived as subjects metacognitive, that is, thinking subjects in their daily practice, or more precisely, in the ambience of the game. To achieve the objective of this study was used as the methodological strategy of Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Athletes Metacognitive ¨C QAEMA, contained in a frame with 19 closed questions and for each of three areas related to their responses. For each answer the research subject should respond via codes (never, sometimes or always). Through the results, we can realize that none of the athletes achieved a result consistent with the highest degree of EMEA, 10% (3) of the athletes had their results between 28 and 36 points, ie showed a high BSE, is also 10% (3) of the athletes who presented results with an average AEM, 43, 33% (13) of the athletes had their results consistent with the low level of BSE and finally realizes that 36.66% (11) of the athletes had a very low BSE. Thus, the present study to conclude that athletes evaluated here showed a low level metacognitive which may influence the poor performance of these competitions to be played. %K evaluation %K metacognition %K and football players %U http://www.brjb.com.br/files/brjb_172_6201206_id1.pdf