%0 Journal Article %T Um breve olhar sobre os modelos femino e masculino em ¡®Parzival¡¯ de Wolfram von Eschenbach. %A Daniele Gallindo Gon£¿alves e Souza %J Brathair %D 2007 %I Brathair %X Thirteenth Century, the Holy Roman-Germanic Empire, in the princely courts of that time flourishes a gender that has its birthplace in France: the Courtly Epic. Although denying that the French work of Chr¨¦tien de Troyes is the actual origin of such gender, Wolfram von Eschenbach writes his Parzival in the same epic fashion. Having gender analysis as its theoretical base, this essay approaches the male and female models presented by the Minnes nger in his work. %K Gender Studies %K Courtly Epic %K Parzival %U http://ppg.revistas.uema.br/index.php/brathair/article/view/525