%0 Journal Article %T ¡°Ruled By Fiction?¡± ¡®Real¡¯ Deception and Narrative Truth in Frank Rich¡¯s The Greatest Story Ever Sold (2006) %A Herrmann %A Sebastian M. %J COPAS : Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies %D 2009 %I University of Regensburg %X The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth in Bush¡¯s America is one representative of a series of highly popular, bestselling, creative non-fiction books that critique the Bush presidency. In his book, Frank Rich aims to unveil ¡°the administration¡¯s insidious efforts to blur the boundary between its reality and actual reality¡± (163, emphasis mine). This essay engages the book as a literary text and performs close readings to discuss the textual dynamics within Rich¡¯s narrative project. More specifically, it will look at complexities and contradictions in the authentication strategies the text employs and at Rich¡¯s attempts to tell a ¡®true¡¯ and credible narrative of the Bush administration¡¯s deceit. %U http://copas.uni-regensburg.de/article/view/117/141