%0 Journal Article %T Ret車rica de la memoria, embotamiento de la atenci車n, lejan赤a de la persuasi車n %A Claudio Martyniuk %J Bolet赤n Cient赤fico Sapiens Research %D 2012 %I Sapiens Research Group %X This essay 求that form and also methodology definition求 part of the problem of indifference and their tissue of senses, referring to the dis-appearance of people in Argentina. After submitting to the culture of human rights, the prosecution and concentration of efforts in the pun-ishment of those responsible for massacres, and the phenomena of crystallization of the memory of a past of extermination, the essay focuses on the problems of the attention and persuasion, in the critique of reification and dullness, bureaucratization of memory and the impoverishment of experience and theory, the soil acts of cruelty and continuity of exclusions and annihilations. The culture of memory, whose prism is the past, can stay away from extermination and impositions of this humiliation, new victims and the persistent indifference. Attention and persuasion, then, what can nominate and exceed beyond rhetoric manifested in ethics and politics of memory. %K Argentina %K human rights %K justice %K memory %K persuasion %K responsibility %U http://www.sapiensresearch.org/images/pdf/v2n2/V2N2_Sociologando_1.pdf