%0 Journal Article %T Wherefore Art Thou Philosophy? Badiou without Badiou %A Jason Barker %J Cosmos and History : the Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy %D 2012 %I Cosmos and History Publishing Co-op. %X Given the encroaching, seemingly pernicious backlash against Alain Badiou¡¯s thinking, which appears partly motivated by the bad faith of ¡°philosophical¡± rivalries, this essay aims to argue in favour of the ongoing and authentically philosophical stakes of Badiou¡¯s ontology. At the same time the essay attempts to highlight the methodological difficulties Badiou encounters in attempting to reconcile an intrinsic ontology as the dominant condition of philosophy, with a philosophy of the event. The essay concludes by speculating on the ¡°unbound¡±, ¡°unconditioned¡± potential of this two-headed philosophy. %K Ontology %K Speculative Materialism %K Shakespeare %K sans-philosophie %U http://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/279/437