%0 Journal Article %T In search of a holistic, sustainable and replicable model for complete energy refurbishment in historic buildings Alla ricerca di un modello olistico sostenibile e replicabile per un completo recupero energetico negli edifici storici %A Marija S. Todorovi£¿ %J Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage : Historical Technical Journal %D 2012 %I University of Bologna %R 10.6092/issn.1973-9494/3381 %X The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in buildings offers one of the most promising opportunities for developed and developing countries to cooperate in achieving the realization of significant energy efficiency improvements. However, achieving sustainability is not an easy task unless there is synergy with/between energy efficiency improvement and renewable energy sources (RES) - these are not at present in widespread dissemination and use. This paper recognizes the synergetic relationship between conservation and sustainability. At present, the role of heritage conservation in achieving sustainability has not yet been fully recognized, nor have heritage needs been well integrated into sustainability initiatives. Historic buildings are inherently sustainable. Preservation maximizes the use of existing materials and infrastructures, reduces waste, and preserves the historical character of older towns and cities. Sustainability begins with preservation. Taking into account the original climatic adaptations of historic buildings, today¡¯s sustainable technology can supplement inherent sustainable features without compromising their unique historical character. Furthermore, a number of paper reviews and case studies with related methodologies outline the need to implement the latest current knowledge and technologies (BPS - Building Performance Simulation and CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics) for use in the refurbishment design process, as well as highlighting the crucial importance of sustainability, relevant benchmarking and rating system development. Riassunto La riduzione delle emissioni del gas serra negli edifici offre la pi¨´ promettente opportunit¨¤ per i Paesi sviluppati e in via di sviluppo di cooperare al raggiungimento di azioni comuni per realizzare miglioramenti significativi di efficienza energetica. Tuttavia, la strada per la sostenibilit¨¤ non sarebbe stata aperta se il miglioramento di efficienza energetica delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili (FER) non fosse ampiamente in atto. Questo articolo fa presente il rapporto sinergico tra conservazione e sostenibilit¨¤. Tuttavia, il ruolo della conservazione del patrimonio nel raggiungimento della sostenibilit¨¤ non ¨¨ stato ancora riconosciuto, n¨¦ vi sono iniziative culturali che si riferiscono al patrimonio culturale. Gli edifici storici sono intrinsicamente sostenibili. La conservazione massimizza l¡¯utilizzazione dei materiali e delle infrastrutture esistenti, riduce gli sprechi, e conserva il carattere storico delle vecchie citt¨¤. La sostenibilit¨¤ inizia con la conservazione. Prendendo in consi %K heritage conservation %K sustainability %K energy efficiency %K renewable energy %K valuation %U http://conservation-science.unibo.it/article/view/3381