%0 Journal Article %T LA TRANSFERENCIA TECNOL車GICA EN LA TELEFON赤A M車VIL CELULAR DE VENEZUELA %A Maria Cristina Useche %A Beatriz Queipo %J CONHISREMI %D 2011 %I Instituto Universitario de Tecnolog赤a Tom芍s Lander %X The intention of this research was to determine the structures of intermediation of the transference of technology in the operators of cellular movable telephony of Venezuela. The type of investigation was applied, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional, under the field modality. The population was conformed by the operators of cellular movable telephony in the country: Movilnet and the Digitel Corporation, selected by means of the technique of the population census. The technique of data collection was the observation by means of survey, being applied to experts authorized by the operators before mentioned. The analysis was made through descriptive statistic with absolute and percentage frequencies, taking in consideration each one from the indicators, sub-dimensions, dimensions and variable. With this study the relation with them concluded that It was concluded that in Venezuela, the operators have consolidated intermediary structures for technology transfer, nevertheless, relationships with them are not best suited to minimize technological dependence and stimulate the creation of national technology. El prop車sito de este trabajo es determinar las estructuras de intermediaci車n para la transferencia de tecnolog赤a en las operadoras de telefon赤a m車vil celular de Venezuela en el a o 2008. El tipo de investigaci車n fue aplicada, descriptiva, de corte no experimental, transversal. La poblaci車n estuvo conformada por todas las operadoras de telefon赤a m車vil celular en el pa赤s mediante la t谷cnica del censo poblacional. La t谷cnica de recolecci車n de datos fue la observaci車n mediante encuesta, aplic芍ndose a expertos autorizados por las operadoras. Se concluy車 que, en Venezuela, las operadoras cuentan con estructuras de intermediaci車n consolidadas para realizar la transferencia tecnol車gica; sin embargo, las relaciones con ellas no son las m芍s id車neas para minimizar la dependencia tecnol車gica y estimular la creaci車n de tecnolog赤a nacional. %K Technology Transfer %K Structures of Mediation Structure Technology %K Technological dependence %K Transferencia Tecnol車gica %K Estructuras de Intermediaci車n %K Estructura Tecnol車gica %K Dependencia tecnol車gica. %U http://conhisremi.iuttol.edu.ve/pdf/ARTI000124.pdf