%0 Journal Article %T Do Conceito de Campo Pol¨ªtico em ¨¢frica: contornos te¨®ricos e exerc¨ªcios emp¨ªricos On the political field concept in Africa: theoretical contours and empirical exercises %A V¨ªtor Alexandre Louren£¿o %J Cadernos de Estudos Africanos %D 2012 %I Instituto Universit¨¢rio de Lisboa %R 10.4000/cea.483 %X Os pa¨ªses africanos subsaarianos conheceram as usurpa es de numerosas forma es sociais e pol¨ªticas globais, entre as quais o Estado-na o, no seu crescimento e no seu decl¨ªnio, que representava apenas um entre numerosos casos, enquanto era simultanea-mente arrastado para processos globais em vasta escala. Com efeito, a expans o de uma forma espec¨ªfica de Estado-na o, simultaneamente liberal e democr¨¢tico, pelo menos na sua ideologia pol¨ªtica manifesta, afectou igualmente a ¨¢frica subsaariana na ¨²ltima d¨¦cada, e conduziu em muitos lugares a rela es pol¨ªticas muito complexas entre o Estado e figuras de poder locais tais como as Autoridades Tradicionais. Deste modo, neste texto abordaremos uma quest o de grande importancia para a compreens o n o s¨® das dina-micas pol¨ªticas, mas, e sobretudo, das rela es sociopol¨ªticas tecidas na actualidade entre o Estado e as Autoridades Tradicionais: a dos fundamentos da legitimidade da domi-na o, bem como as compet¨ºncias e estrat¨¦gias sociopol¨ªticas, dos agentes pol¨ªticos em quest o. Nesta medida, o campo pol¨ªtico ¨¦, por excel¨ºncia, a plataforma anal¨ªtica onde melhor se exprimem as legitima es e as suas pretens es ¨¤ legitimidade reclamadas pelos agentes pol¨ªticos em an¨¢lise: Estado e Autoridades Tradicionais. Throughout their history, sub-Saharan African countries have experienced the (mis)appropriation of several global social and political arrangements, the Nation-State being one of those (both in its growth and its decline stages). The Nation-State represented no more than one in the midst of countless cases, whilst such arrangement was dragged into wide scale global processes. In the last decade, the widespread dissemination of one specific form of Nation-State (both liberal and democratic at once, at least in its manifest political ideology) shaped sub-Saharan Africa in an even way. Moreover, it led to very complex political relationships in a variety of locations between the State and local power figures, such as the Traditional Authorities. Therefore, in the following text a relevant issue will be approached in order to understand the political dynamics, but also ¨C and for the most part ¨C so as to understand the contemporary socio-political relations between the State and Traditional Authorities. Such theme encompasses the foundations of the legitimacy of domination, as well as the socio-political strategies and skills of the political agents in question. Accordingly, the political field is, par excellence, the analytical platform where such legitimations and legitimacy claims are best expressed by the %U http://cea.revues.org/483