%0 Journal Article %T HOMERO EN VIVO ENTONCES Y AHORA HOMER LIVE, THEN AND NOW %A H¨¦CTOR EDUARDO GARC¨ªA CATALDO %J Byzantion Nea Hell¨¢s %D 2012 %I Universidad de Chile %X La obra hom¨¦rica entra a una serie de cuestiones, vinculadas tanto a la tradici¨®n que ella inaugura como a la cr¨ªtica que suscit¨® en el devenir de su propia cultura. Este art¨ªculo aborda uno de esos aspectos cr¨ªticos a partir del an¨¢lisis, que Plat¨®n realiza en su Rep¨²blica, contra el contenido de los versos de la poes¨ªa hom¨¦rica. La cr¨ªtica plat¨®nica halla su fundamento en criterios ¨¦ticos y pol¨ªticos, acordes a principios racionales de acuerdo al modelo de hombre-ciudadano que el propio fil¨®sofo propone. Por consiguiente, la est¨¦tica de la obra hom¨¦rica no responde a ese modelo. La tachadura de los versos a este respecto significa la obliteraci¨®n de lo m¨¢s enigm¨¢tico que hay en la naturaleza del ser humano y que mantiene en vilo su vigencia hasta hoy, que Homero avizor¨® con toda diafanidad y expres¨® con una belleza francamente inigualable, desentra ando ese humus er¨®tico de laphysis humana, de la de entonces y a¨²n de la de ahora. Homer's work entails a number of questions linked both to the tradition it inaugurates and to the critique it raised in the becoming of its own culture. This article studies one of those critical aspects starting from the analysis which Plato makes in his Republic against the content of the verses of Homeric poetry. Platonic criticism has its foundation in ethical and political criteria, following rational principles according to the model of citizen-man which the philosopher himself proposes. Therefore, the aesthetics of Homer's work does not respond to that model. The erasure ofthe verses in this respect means the obliteration ofwhat is most enigmatic in the nature of human beings and which keeps suspended in the air its force until today, which Homer foresaw with full diaphaneity and expressed with a beauty frankly unequaled, unraveling the erotic humus of human physis, that from then and still that from now. %K poes¨ªa hom¨¦rica %K cr¨ªtica plat¨®nica %K intertextualidad %K amor-pasi¨®n %K Homeric poetry %K Platonic criticism %K intertextuality %K love-passion %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-84712012000100001