%0 Journal Article %T S¨®CRATES, ENTRE MITO Y RAZ¨®N SOCRATES, BETWEEN MYTH AND REASON %A R0BERTO QUIROZ PlZARRO %J Byzantion Nea Hell¨¢s %D 2012 %I Universidad de Chile %X En la discusi¨®n socr¨¢tica siempre han de quedar abismos hist¨®ricos que aluden al personaje mismo y a la figura concreta de un ateniense. Sin embargo, la ense anza o la pr¨¢xis derivada de esa disciplina conforman un legado que la filosof¨ªa no puede dejar de repensar cada cierto tiempo o en momentos moralmente cr¨ªticos como los actuales. Aqu¨ª se intenta recuperar partes de esa filosof¨ªa que desde su g¨¦nesis se enmarca sobre el hombre como tal, sobre lo que es y seguir¨¢ siendo su misterio. In Socratic discussions there always have to be historic abysses which allude to the character himself and the concrete figure of an Athenian. However, the teaching or praxis received from that discipline shape a legacy which philosophy cannot stop rethinking every now and then or in morally critical moments like the present ones. Here it is attempted to recover parts of that philosophy which from its genesis belongs to man as such, to what he is and will continue to be his mystery. %K socratismo %K antropolog¨ªa %K vida humana %K filosof¨ªa %K humanismo %K ignorancia %K Socratism %K anthropology %K human life %K philosophy %K humanism %K ignorance %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-84712012000100002