%0 Journal Article %T A Multidimensional Analysis of the Events in Eski Fo a (¦°¦Á¦Ë¦Á¦É ¦µ ¦Ê¦Á¦É¦Á) on the period of Summer 1914 Une ville ottomane dans la tourmente : une analyse multidimensionnelle des ¨¦v¨¦nements ¨¤ Phoc¨¦e (Eski Fo a, ¦°¦Á¦Ë¦Á¦É ¦µ ¦Ê¦Á¦É¦Á) dans l¡¯¨¦t¨¦ 1914 %A Emre Erol %J Cahiers Balkaniques %D 2012 %I INALCO %X This paper aims to discuss the dynamics of change in the county of Fo ateyn that was one of the battlefields of competing nationalisms in the last century of the Ottoman Empire. It is argued that the analysis of the change on this micro level provides valuable insights for the assessment of our macro level theories about the change and transformation from Ottoman Empire to modern day Turkish Republic. In addition, it is also demonstrated that the complete comprehension of the transformation in the Ottoman countryside is only possible with the simultaneous assessment of multiple factors such as discourse, power and structural analysis. It is argued that the regional peculiarities are as important as the global factors for understanding the history of the period. Cette communication veut discuter des dynamiques de changement dans la r¨¦gion de Phoc¨¦e qui fut l¡¯un des lieux d¡¯affrontement des nationalismes en comp¨¦tition dans le dernier si¨¨cle de l¡¯Empire ottoman. On y soutient que l¡¯analyse du changement ¨¤ une micro-¨¦chelle fournit des arguments de valeur pour nos th¨¦ories au niveau macro sur le changement et la transformation de l¡¯Empire ottoman en R¨¦publique turque moderne. De plus, on y d¨¦montre aussi que la compr¨¦hension compl¨¨te de la campagne ottomane ne peut ¨ºtre possible qu¡¯en tenant compte de multiples facteurs comme l¡¯analyse du discours, du pouvoir et des structures. Les particularit¨¦s r¨¦gionales, soutient-on, sont aussi importantes que les facteurs globaux pour comprendre l¡¯histoire de la p¨¦riode. Bu makale Osmanl mparatorlu u¡¯nun son y¨¹zy l nda rakip milliyet iliklerin sava alan olmu olan bir kazan n, Fo ateyn kazas n n ge irdi i de i imin dinamiklerini tart may ama lamaktad r. Makalenin esas amac b yle b¨¹y¨¹k bir tart may tamamen yapmak de il, bu tart man n nas l yap lmas gerekti i ile ilgili bir bak a s n tart mak ve 1914 yaz nda olanlar ¨¹zerinden bunu rneklemektir. Makale Osmanl mparatorlu u¡¯ndan T¨¹rkiye Cumhuriyeti¡¯ne olan ge i ile ilgili teorilerimzin yerel tarih d¨¹zleminde tekrar g zden ge irilmesi ile zenginle ece ini s ylemektedir. Temel arg¨¹man yerel tarihin dinamiklerinin iktidar, s ylem ve yap sal fakt rlerin tamam n n ayn ada ele al nmas ile anla labilece i ve ancak bu ekilde yerel tarihin zg¨¹nl¨¹klerinin anlaml k l nabilece idir. %K ¦­¦Å ¦Ó¦Ï¦Ô¦Ñ¦Ê¦Ï¦É %K ¦Ä¦É¦Ø¦Ã¦Ì ¦Ó¦Ø¦Í ¦±¦Ø¦Ì¦É ¦Í %K ¦¬¦É¦Ê¦Ñ ¦¡¦Ò ¦Á %K ¦µ ¦Ê¦Á¦É¦Á %K ¦¡ ¦Í¦Ó ¦Í¦É %K ¦¯¦È¦Ø¦Ì¦Á¦Í¦É¦Ê ¦¡¦Ô¦Ó¦Ï¦Ê¦Ñ¦Á¦Ó¦Ï¦Ñ ¦Á %K ¦©¦Ï¦Í ¦Á %K ¦¬¦Ô¦Ó¦É¦Ë ¦Í¦Ç %K ¦¬¦Å¦Ã ¦Ë¦Ç ¦ª¦Á¦Ó¦Á¦Ò¦Ó¦Ñ¦Ï¦Õ (1914-1923) %K History %K anti-greek persecution %K Ottoman empire %K Young Turks revolution (1908-1914) %K Aydin %K Phocaea %K turk nationalism %K Young Turks %K Ionia %K Mytilene %K Asia Minor %K pers¨¦cutions antigrecques %K Jeunes-Turcs %K nationalisme turc %K Phoc¨¦e %K Asie Mineure %K Aydin %K Ionie %K Mytil¨¨ne %K Empire ottoman %K r¨¦volution jeune-turque (1908-1914) %K Histoire %K ete/chette/tchete %U http://ceb.revues.org/911