%0 Journal Article %T La repr¨¦sentation de l¡¯insurrection d¡¯Ilinden dans les pi¨¨ces Ilinden, de Nikola Kirov Majski, et Le fant me de la libert¨¦, de Vojdan ernodrinski The representation of the Ilinden insurrection in Ilinden by Nikola Kirov Majski and The Phantom of Liberty by Voidan ernodrinski %A Despina Angelovska %J Cahiers Balkaniques %D 2012 %I INALCO %X L¡¯insurrection d¡¯Ilinden (1903) et surtout son aboutissement dans l¡¯¨¦ph¨¦m¨¨re R¨¦publique de Kru evo, ont rencontr¨¦ un tr¨¨s grand ¨¦cho dans le th¨¦atre mac¨¦donien. Ainsi, les pi¨¨ces Ilinden (1923) de Nikola Kirov Majski et Le Fant me de la libert¨¦ (autour de 1909) de Vojdan ernodrinski, cr¨¦¨¦es apr¨¨s l¡¯insurrection, pour c¨¦l¨¦brer cet anniversaire, apportent un pr¨¦cieux regard critique sur l'¨¦v¨¦nement cl¨¦ de l'histoire nationale mac¨¦donienne. Ce texte analyse les repr¨¦sentations de l'Histoire et d'Ilinden dans ces uvres, et les discours id¨¦ologiques qu'elles soutiennent et renforcent, ou bien d¨¦construisent, en se penchant sur le rapport de miroir entre les repr¨¦sentations/narrations et l¡¯Histoire. Ilinden et Le Fant me de la libert¨¦ troublent les fronti¨¨res entre l¡¯Histoire et l¡¯histoire, entre la Nation et la narration, ouvrant aussi la voie ¨¤ d'autres narrations de (d¨¦s)identification. The Ilinden insurrection (1903) and its most impressive and visionary accomplishment, the ephemeral Republic of Kru evo, has encountered a huge echo in the Macedonian theater. Thus, the plays Ilinden (1923) by Nikola Kirov Majski and The Phantom of Liberty (around 1909) by Vojdan ernodrinski, created after the insurrection on the occasion of that anniversary, bring a precious critical point of view towards that crucial event of Macedonian national history. This contribution analyses the representations of history and of Ilinden in those works, as the ideological discourses that they support and reinforce, or deconstruct, revealing the mirror relations between the representations/narrations and History. Ilinden and The Phantom of Liberty trouble the frontiers between History and history, between Nation and narration, opening also the space for other and different narrations of (des)identification. %K ¦©¦Ë¦É¦Í¦Ó ¦Í (1903) %K ¦ª¦Ñ¦Ï ¦Ò¦Ï¦Âo %K Ilinden (1903) %K ernodrinski Vojdan (1875-1951) %K twentieth century %K Majski Kirov Nikola (1880-1962) %K Krusevo %K macedonian literature %K litt¨¦rature mac¨¦donienne %K Majski Kirov Nikola (1880-1962) %K ernodrinski Vojdan (1875-1951) %K Mac¨¦doine %K Krusevo %K Ilinden (1903) %K vingti¨¨me si¨¨cle %K Litt¨¦rature %K Ilinden %K Majski Nikola Kirov (1880-1962) %K §¬§â§å§ê§Ö§Ó§à %K Ilinden (1903) %U http://ceb.revues.org/1496