%0 Journal Article %T Le n¨¦ocriticisme d¡¯Henri Bois et ses cons¨¦quences missiologiques The neocriticism of Henri Bois and its consequences in missiology %A Mino Randriamanantena %J Cahiers d'¨¦tudes du Religieux %D 2011 %I Maison des Sciences de l'Homme %R 10.4000/cerri.740 %X Sa philosophie, inspir¨¦e du n¨¦ocriticisme fran aise, conduit Henri Bois ¨¤ ¨¦tudier et ¨¤ rencontrer des religions non chr¨¦tiennes. Notre contribution se propose d¡¯exposer de quelle mani¨¨re la pens¨¦e d¡¯Henri Bois ¨¦volue au contact de celles-ci. Issu de la tendance ¨¦vang¨¦lique (ou orthodoxe) du protestantisme de l¡¯¨¦poque, qui tend ¨¤ exclure toute religion en dehors de J¨¦sus Christ, Henri Bois, par l¡¯importance qu¡¯il accorde ¨¤ la conscience morale et ¨¤ l¡¯accomplissement de l¡¯id¨¦al moral et religieux en J¨¦sus, d¨¦pouille au fur et ¨¤ mesure sa christologie, entra nant une ¨¦volution non n¨¦gligeable au niveau de sa conception de la Mission. His philosophy, inspired of the French neocriticism, led Henri Bois to study and to meet non christian religions. Our contribution proposes to expose how the thought of Henri Bois evolves in contact with those. Coming from the evangelic (or orthodoxe) part of the Protestantism of the time, which tends to exclude any religion apart from Jesus Christ, Henri Bois, by the importance which he attaches to the moral conscience and the achievement of the moral and religious ideal in Jesus, skin progressively his christology, involving a considerable evolution on the level of his understanding of the Mission. %K Religion %K Conversion %K neocriticism %K philosophy %K theology %K mission %K Evangelic Protestantism %K Liberal Protestantism %K Absolute %K History %K Time %K conversion %K religion %K n¨¦ocriticisme %K philosophie %K th¨¦ologie %K mission %K protestantisme ¨¦vang¨¦lique %K protestantisme lib¨¦ral %K absolu %K histoire %K temps %U http://cerri.revues.org/740