%0 Journal Article %T CONSTANTINO CAVARN辰S Y LA TRADICI車N HEL谷NICA CONSTANTINE CAVARNOS AND THE HELLENIC TRADITION %A SERGIO GONZ芍LEZ A %J Byzantion Nea Hell芍s %D 2012 %I Universidad de Chile %X Constantino Cavarn車s ha completado una vida dedicada a la investigaci車n y difusi車n del helenismo, entendiendo que este t谷rmino comprende el per赤odo antiguo, medieval o bizantino y moderno. Su amplia producci車n abarca la filosof赤a, religi車n, arte, historia, literatura y lengua griegas, y se ha desarrollado por medio de libros, art赤culos, op迆sculos, conferencias y rese as de libros. Su rol como fundador del Instituto de Estudios Bizantinos y Neohel谷nicos fue vital para dar a conocer la tradici車n cultural hel谷nica de una manera integral y diacr車nica. Constantine Cavarnos has completed a life devoted to the research and diffusion of Hellenism, holding this term to include the ancient, medieval or Byzantine, and modern period. His extensive production spans Greek philosophy, religion, art, history, literature and language, and has been carried through books, articles, booklets, lectures, and book reviews. His role as founder of the Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies was vital to make the Hellenic cultural tradition known in an integral and diachronic manner. %K C. Cavarn車s %K biograf赤a %K Ortodoxia %K helenismo %K cultura bizantina %K arte bizantino %K . Cavarnos %K biography %K Orthodoxy %K Hellenism %K Byzantine culture %K Byzantine art %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-84712012000100006