%0 Journal Article %T Les catholiques fran ais devant le cin¨¦ma entre d¨¦sir et impuissance French Catholics face to cinema: between desire and powerlessness %A Corinne Bonafoux %J Cahiers d'¨¦tudes du Religieux %D 2012 %I Maison des Sciences de l'Homme %R 10.4000/cerri.1073 %X Durant la p¨¦riode de l¡¯entre-deux-guerres qui correspond ¨¤ un mouvement de r¨¦habilitation du cin¨¦ma par diverses autorit¨¦s religieuses, les catholiques mettent en place de nombreux organismes consacr¨¦s au cin¨¦ma. Ils tentent d¡¯agir ¨¤ la fois sur la production, la distribution et la formation du public. C¡¯est ce troisi¨¨me moyen qui est le plus d¨¦velopp¨¦ car le public catholique est compris comme un puissant moyen d¡¯influer, en amont, sur la production et la distribution. This paper focuses on the interwar years during which different religious authorities started a movement of rehabilitation of the film industry. In this perspective, the Catholics created several organizations dedicated to the cinema. They tried to influence the production and the distribution processes, as well as the audience education. The latter was the most developed since the catholic audience was understood as a powerful lever to act upstream on both the production and the distribution processes. %K catholic film industry %K movies scoring %K cinema audience %K cin¨¦ma catholique %K cotation des films %K public de cin¨¦ma %U http://cerri.revues.org/1073