%0 Journal Article %T Itin¨¦raires de conversion dans le christianisme ancien %A Anne Pasquier %J Cahiers d'¨¦tudes du Religieux %D 2011 %I Maison des Sciences de l'Homme %R 10.4000/cerri.869 %X S¡¯il est un ph¨¦nom¨¨ne crucial pour comprendre l¡¯Antiquit¨¦ chr¨¦tienne, c¡¯est bien celui de la conversion. Nous n¡¯avons ¨¦videmment pas acc¨¨s directement au ph¨¦nom¨¨ne ni aux motifs intimes d¡¯une conversion. Ce que l¡¯on poss¨¨de, ce sont des r¨¦cits proposant des mod¨¨les, les plus connus, ceux de Paul et d¡¯Augustin, ayant servi d¡¯exemples de si¨¨cle en si¨¨cle. La litt¨¦rature apocryphe ¨¦tant moins ¨¦tudi¨¦e sous cet aspect que le reste de la litt¨¦rature chr¨¦tienne, je voudrais explorer ce ph¨¦nom¨¨ne en un texte particulier, les Actes d¡¯Andr¨¦, dat¨¦s de la deuxi¨¨me moiti¨¦ du second si¨¨cle de notre ¨¨re ou du d¨¦but du processus graduel, ce qui peut inclure une exp¨¦rience-choc ¨¤ un moment particulier de ce processus, ensuite comme espace de construction d¡¯une nouvelle identit¨¦ et comme m¨¦diation entre la nouvelle religion et la vision g¨¦n¨¦rale du monde de l¡¯¨¦poque. Of paramount importance to understand Christian Antiquity is the phenomenon of conversion. Obviously we cannot have a straightforward access to the experience itself nor to the inner motives underlying it. What we nevertheless have are the accounts depicting exemplary experiences, among the most notorious ones being St Paul¡¯s and St Augustine¡¯s, for they served as archetypal examples for centuries. Apocryphal literature being less studied from this perspective than the main bulk of Christian literature, I would like to explore this dimension in a specific text, that is the Acts of Andrew, dating back to the second half of the second century of our era, or to the beginning of the gradual process, which could include a shock-experience at a very specific moment of this process, and then turn it into a new shaping space for the emergence of a new identity and work as a mediation between the new religion and the global vision of the world at that time. %K conversion %K identity %K Paul %K Christian Antiquity %K Augustine %K apocryphal literature %K conversion %K Paul %K Antiquit¨¦ chr¨¦tienne %K Augustin %K litt¨¦rature apocryphe %K identit¨¦. %U http://cerri.revues.org/869