%0 Journal Article %T Nouveaux Acteurs Sociaux, Permanence et Renouvellement du Client¨¦lisme Politique en Afrique Sub-saharienne New social actors, continuity and renewal of political clientelism in Sub-Saharan Africa %A Jean-Fran£¿ois M¨¦dard %J Cadernos de Estudos Africanos %D 2012 %I Instituto Universit¨¢rio de Lisboa %R 10.4000/cea.422 %X O objecto de an¨¢lise deste artigo s o as dinamicas e reconfigura es do clientelismo pol¨ªtico, um dos tra os centrais do funcionamento dos sistemas pol¨ªticos africanos. As recomposi es e adapta es dos sistemas pol¨ªticos africanos na fase das transi es para as democracias multipartid¨¢rias, em ¨¢frica, face ¨¤s crises pol¨ªticas, sociais e econ¨®micas e o surgimento subsequente de novos actores sociais nas estruturas de poder (pol¨ªtico) africanas s o o centro de an¨¢lise deste texto. O artigo sustenta que a democracia e o multipartidarismo n o contribu¨ªram para a erradica o ou mitiga o das pr¨¢ticas clien-telares. O m¨¢ximo que se conseguiu, at¨¦ ao momento, foi a cria o de condi es para a renegocia o destas mesmas rela es clientelares. The object of this article is to examine the dynamics and reconfigurations of political clientelism, one of the major characteristics of African political systems. The analysis focuses on the restructuring and adapting of African political systems during the tran-sitional phase to multi-party democracies in reaction to the political, social and economic crises and the subsequent emergence of new social actors in the African (political) power structures. The article argues that democracy and multipartyism have not contributed to eradicate or mitigate clientelist practices and that most achieved, until now, has been the creation of conditions that favor the renegotiation of clientelist relationships. %U http://cea.revues.org/422