%0 Journal Article %T Constantinople dans quelques textes grecs de fiction aux XVIIIe et XIXe si¨¨cles Constantinople in certain greek novels of the 18th and 19th centuries %A Henri Tonnet %J Cahiers Balkaniques %D 2012 %I INALCO %X Le pr¨¦sent article est une pr¨¦sentation de Constantinople telle qu¡¯elle appara t dans quelques textes romanesques du XIXe si¨¨cle grec. ¨¤ cette ¨¦poque Constantinople/Istanbul est encore pour les Grecs la capitale naturelle de l¡¯hell¨¦nisme. Le point commun de tous les textes romanesques grecs de cette p¨¦riode, c¡¯est qu¡¯ils soulignent la continuit¨¦ entre l¡¯Empire byzantin et l¡¯Empire ottoman. Si l¡¯¨¦l¨¦ment grec de la population y est souvent sur¨¦valu¨¦ ¡ª on n¡¯y parle presque jamais des Turcs ¡ª sans ¨ºtre pour autant id¨¦alis¨¦, les quartiers grecs sont sales, certains auteurs, comme Constantin Ramfos, sont tr¨¨s sensibles ¨¤ la beaut¨¦ de l¡¯architecture ottomane. C¡¯est une Istanbul aujourd¡¯hui disparue que ces textes rares et non traduits nous r¨¦v¨¨lent. The present article is a presentation of the city of Istanbul as it appears in 19th century texts, in Greek novels. At the time Constantinople/Istanbul still felt like the natural capital of Hellenism for Greeks. The point that all those texts have in common, in the particular period, is that they underline the continuity between the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Even if at some points the Greek element of the population is over evaluated ¨C there is rare if ever any mention of Turks in those texts ¨C it is never idealized. The Greek neighbourhoods are described as being dirty and certain authors, like Constantine Ramfos, appear to be very sensible to the beauty of the ottoman architecture. These rare and non translated texts reveal to our eyes the city of Istanbul as a city that has now disappeared. %K ¦Å¦Ë¦Ë¦Ç¦Í¦É¦Ê ¦Ì¦Ô¦È¦É¦Ò¦Ó ¦Ñ¦Ç¦Ì¦Á %K Grande Id¨¦e %K Ramfos Constantinos (1776-1871) %K Samartsidis Christoforos (1843-1900) %K X¨¦nos St¨¦phanos (1821-1894) %K Karatzas Ioannis %U http://ceb.revues.org/1573