%0 Journal Article %T Des millets aux nations From millets to nations: the construction of national identities in the novel You too, are you Greek? by Vassilios Christopoulos %A Nicolas Pitsos %J Cahiers Balkaniques %D 2012 %I INALCO %X L¡¯auteur de ce roman construit son intrigue sur l¡¯histoire de plusieurs familles d¡¯une part au moment de l¡¯effondrement d¡¯un monde, celui des millets de l¡¯Empire ottoman fond¨¦ sur le principe de l¡¯identification des individus en fonction de leurs croyances religieuses et, d¡¯autre part, lors de la mise en place d¡¯une nouvelle organisation politique, celle des ¨¦tats-nations obs¨¦d¨¦s par l¡¯id¨¦e de la d¨¦finition de l¡¯individu sur la base de crit¨¨res nationaux. L'exemple narratif dominant est celui du passage du millet des Roums ¨¤ la nation des Grecs. Il s¡¯agit d¡¯un roman polyphonique quant ¨¤ l¡¯expression d¡¯exp¨¦riences traumatisantes issues de politiques de nettoyage ethnique et culturel, men¨¦es par les diff¨¦rentes parties impliqu¨¦es dans les ¨¦v¨¦nements qui agitent l¡¯Empire ottoman ¨¤ la fin du XIXe et au d¨¦but du XXe si¨¨cle. Dans ce sens, l¡¯¨¦criture de ce roman s¡¯oppose aux lectures exclusivistes de l¡¯¨¦v¨¦nement historique, largement diffus¨¦es par les mythologies nationales balkaniques visant ¨¤ exalter les souffrances de nos compatriotes et de nos coreligionnaires, tout en effa ant ou occultant les destins tragiques des Autres. The author of this novel puts in plot the history of various families, at the moment of the fall from one hand, of an entire world, this of ottoman empire¡¯s millets, based on the principle of individual identification following their religious beliefs and during the establishment on the other hand, of a new political organization, this of State-Nations, obsessed by the idea of individual definition on the basis of national criteria. The predominant narrative paradigm is this of the Roum millet transition towards the Greeks' nation. It is about a polyphonic novel, regarding to the expression of traumatic experiences issued by the ethnic and cultural cleansing policies, conducted by the different actors implicated in the events which stirred up trouble in the ottoman empire at the end of 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. In this sense, the writing of this novel opposes itself to the exclusivist approaches of the historical event, largely spread across the national mythologies in Balkan countries, which are aiming at magnifying the sufferings of one¡¯s own compatriots or kin faith worshippers, while at the same time they erase or they minimize the tragic destinies of the Others. %K ¦Å¦Ë¦Ë¦Ç¦Í¦É¦Ê ¦Ì¦Ô¦È¦É¦Ò¦Ó ¦Ñ¦Ç¦Ì¦Á %K Caza/Kaza %K Millet %K Valaque %K Rum/Roum %K Muhacir/mouhadjir %K Ra a/Raya/Reaya %K PKK %K Kru evo %K Amele taburu %K Arvanite %K Karagounides %K Koutzo-Valaque %K Milletiste %K Rom¨¦ika %K Sarakatsanes %K Tatavla %U http://ceb.revues.org/1575