%0 Journal Article %T Specific Features of the use of Reinnovations When Creating High Technologies in Metallurgy and Engineering 妍扼抉忌快扶扶抉扼找我 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我攸 把快我扶扶抉志忘扯我抄 扭把我 扼抉戒忱忘扶我我 志抑扼抉抗我抒 找快抒扶抉抖抉忍我抄 志 技快找忘抖抖批把忍我我 我 技忘扮我扶抉扼找把抉快扶我我 %A Bozhko Valeriy P. %A Maznichenko Anna D. %A Omelchenko Olga L. %J Business Inform %D 2013 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X The article considers earlier created innovations in the field of pulse and high-speed processing, which by their technical and economic indicators are prospective for wide application in the modern metallurgical and engineering productions. It offers to use the procedure of reinnovations for this, in other words, partial investment into new developments of the similar use, which would allow reduction of expenses on research and development works and can reduce the volume of financial expenses by 25 每 50% in each project. 妓忘扼扼技抉找把快扶抑 把忘扶快快 扼抉戒忱忘扶扶抑快 扶抉志抉志志快忱快扶我攸 志 抉忌抖忘扼找我 我技扭批抖抆扼扶抉抄 我 志抑扼抉抗抉扼抗抉把抉扼找扶抉抄 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗我, 抗抉找抉把抑快 扭抉 扼志抉我技 找快抒扶我抗抉-改抗抉扶抉技我折快扼抗我技 扭抉抗忘戒忘找快抖攸技 攸志抖攸攻找扼攸 扭快把扼扭快抗找我志扶抑技我 忱抖攸 扮我把抉抗抉忍抉 扭把我技快扶快扶我攸 志 扼抉志把快技快扶扶抉技 技快找忘抖抖批把忍我折快扼抗抉技 我 技忘扮我扶抉扼找把抉我找快抖抆扶抉技 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志快. 坏抖攸 改找抉忍抉 扭把快忱抖抉忪快扶抉 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘找抆 扭把抉扯快忱批把批 把快我扶扶抉志忘扯我抄, 找. 快. 折忘扼找我折扶抉忍抉 我扶志快扼找我把抉志忘扶我攸 志 扶抉志抑快 把忘戒把忘忌抉找抗我 忘扶忘抖抉忍我折扶抉忍抉 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我攸, 折找抉 扭抉戒志抉抖我找 扼扶我戒我找抆 戒忘找把忘找抑 扶忘 扭把抉志快忱快扶我快 妖妒妍妞妓 我 技抉忪快找 批技快扶抆扮我找抆 抉忌抓快技 扳我扶忘扶扼抉志抑抒 戒忘找把忘找 扶忘 25 每 50% 扭抉 抗忘忪忱抉技批 扭把抉快抗找批. %K reinnovations %K investments %K metallurgy %K engineering %K life cycle %K 把快我扶扶抉志忘扯我我 %K 我扶志快扼找我扯我我 %K 技快找忘抖抖批把忍我攸 %K 技忘扮我扶抉扼找把抉快扶我快 %K 忪我戒扶快扶扶抑抄 扯我抗抖. %U http://www.business-inform.net/pdf/2013/5_0/134_139.pdf