%0 Journal Article %T Innovation development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine under conditions of globalisation 妒扶扶抉志忘扯我抉扶扶抉快 把忘戒志我找我快 忘忍把忘把扶抉忍抉 扼快抗找抉把忘 孝抗把忘我扶抑 志 批扼抖抉志我攸抒 忍抖抉忌忘抖我戒忘扯我我 %A Ievsieieva Olga A. %J Business Inform %D 2013 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X The article is devoted to development of scenarios of development of the agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy and revelation of priorities of its strategy. It identifies basic characteristics of agro-food policy of Ukraine. It formulates first priority tasks in the sphere of agro-food policy. It scientifically substantiates that the theory of stable development is an alternative to the paradigm of extensive model of economic growth, which ignores requirements of ecological safety of development. It identifies priorities of nature management policy in Ukrainian agriculture for the year 2014 and the nearest future. 妊找忘找抆攸 扭抉扼志攸投快扶忘 把忘戒把忘忌抉找抗快 扼扯快扶忘把我快志 把忘戒志我找我攸 忘忍把忘把扶抉忍抉 扼快抗找抉把忘 改抗抉扶抉技我抗我 孝抗把忘我扶抑 我 志抑攸志抖快扶我攻 扭把我抉把我找快找抉志 快忍抉 扼找把忘找快忍我我. 妍扭把快忱快抖快扶抑 扭把我扶扯我扭我忘抖抆扶抑快 抒忘把忘抗找快把我扼找我抗我 忘忍把抉扭把抉忱抉志抉抖抆扼找志快扶扶抉抄 扭抉抖我找我抗我 孝抗把忘我扶抑. 妊扳抉把技批抖我把抉志忘扶抑 扭快把志抉抉折快把快忱扶抑快 戒忘忱忘折我 志 扼扳快把快 忘忍把抉扭把抉忱抉志抉抖抆扼找志快扶扶抉抄 扭抉抖我找我抗我. 妖忘批折扶抉 抉忌抉扼扶抉志忘扶抉, 折找抉 找快抉把我攸 批扼找抉抄折我志抉忍抉 把忘戒志我找我攸 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 忘抖抆找快把扶忘找我志抉抄 扭忘把忘忱我忍技快 改抗扼找快扶扼我志扶抉抄 技抉忱快抖我 改抗抉扶抉技我折快扼抗抉忍抉 把抉扼找忘, 我忍扶抉把我把批攻投快抄 找把快忌抉志忘扶我攸 改抗抉抖抉忍我折快扼抗抉抄 忌快戒抉扭忘扼扶抉扼找我 把忘戒志我找我攸. 妍扭把快忱快抖快扶抑 扭把我抉把我找快找抑 扭抉抖我找我抗我 扭把我把抉忱抉扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我攸 志 扼快抖抆扼抗抉技 抒抉戒攸抄扼找志快 孝抗把忘我扶抑 扶忘 2014 忍. 我 忌抖我忪忘抄扮批攻 扭快把扼扭快抗找我志批. %K agrarian sector of economy %K innovations %K region %K strategy %K agro-food policy %K priorities %K globalisation %K nature management %K ecology. %K 忘忍把忘把扶抑抄 扼快抗找抉把 改抗抉扶抉技我抗我 %K 我扶扶抉志忘扯我我 %K 把快忍我抉扶 %K 扼找把忘找快忍我攸 %K 忘忍把抉扭把抉忱抉志抉抖抆扼找志快扶扶忘攸 扭抉抖我找我抗忘 %K 扭把我抉把我找快找抑 %K 忍抖抉忌忘抖我戒忘扯我攸 %K 扭把我把抉忱抉扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快 %K 改抗抉抖抉忍我攸. %U http://www.business-inform.net/pdf/2013/3_0/151_157.pdf