%0 Journal Article %T Role and Significance of Business Reputation in Business 妓抉抖抆 我 戒扶忘折快扶我快 忱快抖抉志抉抄 把快扭批找忘扯我我 志 忌我戒扶快扼快 %A Kantsir Alexander S. %J Business Inform %D 2013 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X The article considers the essence of business reputation from the point of view of entrepreneurs, clarifies its components and their interconnection. It studies a correlation between the reputation and image notions and also provides a comparative characteristic and differences between the firm*s image and authority notions. It identifies connection between the business reputation and corporate culture and reveals the content of the corporate culture on the basis of generalisation of its definitions in the economic literature. It marks out and characterises four types of corporate cultures: hierarchical, market, planned and adhocratic, and ascertains the place and subordination of the corporate culture in the structure of organisational culture of entrepreneurs. It studies dependence of business reputation of a company on loyalty of employees and existence in the business of two types of loyalty. It proves that one of the factors of business reputation is a rotational personnel policy. It identifies directions of development of the corporate business reputation. 圾 扼找忘找抆快 把忘扼扼技抉找把快扶忘 扼批投扶抉扼找抆 忱快抖抉志抉抄 把快扭批找忘扯我我 扼 扭抉戒我扯我抄 扼批忌抓快抗找抉志 扭把快忱扭把我扶我技忘找快抖抆扼找志忘, 志抑攸扼扶快扶抑 快快 扼抉扼找忘志扶抑快 改抖快技快扶找抑 我 我抒 志戒忘我技抉扼志攸戒抆. 妒扼扼抖快忱抉志忘扶忘 抗抉把把快抖攸扯我攸 技快忪忱批 扭抉扶攸找我攸技我 把快扭批找忘扯我攸 我 我技我忱忪 , 忘 找忘抗忪快 扭把我志快忱快扶抑 扼把忘志扶我找快抖抆扶忘攸 抒忘把忘抗找快把我扼找我抗忘 我 抉找抖我折我快 技快忪忱批 扭抉扶攸找我攸技我 我技我忱忪 我 忘志找抉把我找快找 扳我把技抑. 妍扭把快忱快抖快扶忘 扼志攸戒抆 技快忪忱批 忱快抖抉志抉抄 把快扭批找忘扯我快抄 我 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶抉抄 抗批抖抆找批把抉抄 我 把忘扼抗把抑找抉 扼抉忱快把忪忘扶我快 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶抉抄 抗批抖抆找批把抑 扶忘 抉扼扶抉志忘扶我我 抉忌抉忌投快扶我攸 快快 抉扭把快忱快抖快扶我抄 志 改抗抉扶抉技我折快扼抗抉抄 抖我找快把忘找批把快. 圾抑忱快抖快扶抑 我 抉抒忘把忘抗找快把我戒抉志忘扶抑 折快找抑把快 志我忱忘 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶抑抒 抗批抖抆找批把: 我快把忘把抒我折快扼抗忘攸, 把抑扶抉折扶忘攸, 扭抖忘扶抉志忘攸 我 忘忱抒抉抗把忘找我折快扼抗忘攸 我 志抑攸扼扶快扶抉 技快扼找抉 我 扭抉忱折我扶快扶扶抉扼找抆 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶抉抄 抗批抖抆找批把抑 志 扼找把批抗找批把快 抉把忍忘扶我戒忘扯我抉扶扶抉抄 抗批抖抆找批把抑 扼批忌抓快抗找抉志 扭把快忱扭把我扶我技忘找快抖抆扼找志忘. 妒扼扼抖快忱抉志忘扶忘 戒忘志我扼我技抉扼找抆 忱快抖抉志抉抄 把快扭批找忘扯我我 抗抉技扭忘扶我我 抉找 抖抉攸抖抆扶抉扼找我 扼抉找把批忱扶我抗抉志 我 扼批投快扼找志抉志忘扶我快 志 忌我戒扶快扼快 忱志批抒 找我扭抉志 抖抉攸抖抆扶抉扼找我. 坏抉抗忘戒忘扶抉, 折找抉 抉忱扶我技 我戒 扳忘抗找抉把抉志 忱快抖抉志抉抄 把快扭批找忘扯我我 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 找忘抗忪快 把抉找忘扯我抉扶扶忘攸 抗忘忱把抉志忘攸 扭抉抖我找我抗忘. 妍扭把快忱快抖快扶抑 扶忘扭把忘志抖快扶我攸 把忘戒志我找我攸 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶抉抄 忱快抖抉志抉抄 把快扭批找忘扯我我. %K business reputation %K image %K reputation factors %K corporate image %K corporate culture %K types of corporate culture %K loyalty of employees %K 忱快抖抉志忘攸 把快扭批找忘扯我攸 %K 我技我忱忪 %K 把快扭批找忘扯我抉扶扶抑快 扳忘抗找抉把抑 %K 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶抑抄 我技我忱忪 %K 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶忘攸 抗批抖抆找批把忘 %K 找我扭抑 抗抉把扭抉把忘找我志扶抉抄 抗批抖抆找批把抑 %K 抖抉攸抖抆扶抉扼找抆 扼抉找把批忱扶我抗抉志 %U http://www.business-inform.net/pdf/2013/7_0/347_351.pdf