%0 Journal Article %T Occupational Therapy in health care contexts: possibilities and challenges of multidisciplinary residency %A Rosa Maria de Araujo Mitre %J Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de S?o Carlos %X This article is the result of a presentation at the Symposium of Occupational Therapy in HospitalSettings on the subject of graduate studies in the process of training and research in occupational therapy in hospitalsettings. The multi-professional residency was the main focus of this research. As it is a new experience in terms ofoccupational therapy, the impact it can have not only on the training of new professionals, but also in the practice ofexperienced ones was considered. While it broadens opportunities on the one hand, on the other hand, it challengesand makes us reflect about what we want: reproduce existing models of practice or consider new ones? To this end,two instruments used with residents to promote reflection on practice were questioned: the reflective journal and thecase study. They have allowed for further reflection on existing practices and the possibility of building an extendedclinic. It is believed that multidisciplinary residency can provide an important opportunity to consolidate the roleof OT in hospital settings; not only for the chance to educate and train new professionals to the market, but also toreview our practices and contribute to a more comprehensive model of care. However, no method or instrument isable to promote changes on its own; it depends on how it is used. This is not set up, though; it must be built. %K Occupational Therapy %K Hospital %K Specialization %K Professional Practice. %U http://dx.doi.org/10.4322/cto.2012.017