%0 Journal Article %T Study on the Influence of the Structural Asymmetry on the Torsional Response %A Mihaela Anechitei %A Doina £¿tefan %A Ioana Olteanu %J Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Constructions, Architechture Section %D 2009 %I Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Jassy %X For the composition and the structural design to lateral loads, the distribution of horizontal lateral forces on vertical structural elements is an important issue, which can become complicated, depending on the considered structural system. In this paper is presented a study regarding the influence of the asymmetry on the response of a mix structure (frame with coupled walls). The structure has 11 floors and is analysed in three different cases of walls positioning, in order to verify their influence on the lateral rigidity and torsional response of the structure. %K Structural asymmetry %K eccentricity %K torsional response %U http://www.bipcons.ce.tuiasi.ro/Content/ArticleInformation.php?ArticleID=163