%0 Journal Article %T Investigation of the Mitochondrial ATPase 6/8 and tRNALys Genes Mutations in Autism %A Fahimeh Piryaei %A Massoud Houshmand %A Omid Aryani %A Sepideh Dadgar %J Cell Journal %D 2012 %I Royan Institute (ACECR), Tehran %X Objective: Autism results from developmental factors that affect many or all functional brain systems. Brain is one of tissues which are crucially in need of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Autism is noticeably affected by mitochondrial dysfunction which impairs energy metabolism. Considering mutations within ATPase 6, ATPase 8 and tRNALys genes, associated with different neural diseases, and the main role of ATPase 6/8 in energy generation, we decided to investigate mutations on these mtDNA-encoded genes to reveal their roles in autism pathogenesis.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, mutation analysis for the mentioned genes were performed in a cohort of 24 unrelated patients with idiopathic autism by employing amplicon sequencing of mtDNA fragments.Results: In this study, 12 patients (50%) showed point mutations that represent a significant correlation between autism and mtDNA variations. Most of the identified substitutions (55.55%) were observed on MT-ATP6, altering some conserved amino acids to other ones which could potentially affect ATPase 6 function. Mutations causing amino acid replacement denote involvement of mtDNA genes, especially ATPase 6 in autism pathogenesis.Conclusion: MtDNA mutations in relation with autism could be remarkable to realize an understandable mechanism of pathogenesis in order to achieve therapeutic solutions. %K Autism %K Mitochondria %K Mutation %K ATP ase6/8 %K tRNALys %U http://celljournal.org/library/upload/article/af_5524445546348433453353342326426632623355piryayi.pdf