%0 Journal Article %T About the proper use of policing ¡°models¡± %A Ren¨¦ L¨¦vy %J Champ P¨¦nal %D 2012 %I Champ p¨¦nal %R 10.4000/champpenal.8276 %X ¨¤ la lumi¨¨re de son dernier ouvrage, The Policing Web, cet article examine la mani¨¨re dont Jean-Paul Brodeur utilise l¡¯histoire pour conceptualiser l¡¯opposition entre haute et basse police sur laquelle il a fond¨¦ sa r¨¦flexion th¨¦orique depuis le milieu des ann¨¦es 1980. En comparant la typologie des institutions polici¨¨res ¨¦labor¨¦e par Jean-Paul Brodeur ¨¤ celle de l¡¯historien Clive Emsley, l¡¯auteur oppose deux mani¨¨res de faire l¡¯histoire : soit comme l¡¯¨¦tude d¡¯une ¨¦mergence, prenant en compte la complexit¨¦ des ph¨¦nom¨¨nes dans leur d¨¦ploiement temporel ¨¤ la faveurd¡¯une nouvelle question ; soit comme qu¨ºte d¡¯une origine ¨¤ partir d¡¯unaboutissement - la situation actuelle - afin d¡¯¨¦clairer cette derni¨¨re. Dans un cas, l¡¯accent est mis sur la relecture du pass¨¦ ¨¤ la lumi¨¨re de pr¨¦occupations pr¨¦sentes ; dans l¡¯autre, le pass¨¦ est mis au service de la r¨¦¨¦valuation du pr¨¦sent. In the context of Jean-Paul Brodeur¡¯s last book, The policing web, this article examines how he uses history to conceptualize the distinction between ¡°high¡± and ¡°low¡± policing, which fuelled his theoretical thinking since the mid-1980¡¯s. By comparing the typology of police institutions designed by JPB to the one proposed by the historian Clive Emsley, the author opposes two ways of ¡®doing¡¯ history: either we look at how a phenomenon emerges, considering the complexity of situations as they unfold over time, in connection with a new question, or we go in search of an origin for an outcome ¨C the present situation ¨C so as to shed light on the latter. In one instance emphasis is placed on rereading the past in the light of present concerns; in the other, the past is used to reevaluate the present. %K history %K Jean-Paul Brodeur %K France %K high and low policing %K United Kingdom %K histoire %K Jean-Paul Brodeur %K France %K haute et basse police %K Royaume-Uni %U http://champpenal.revues.org/8276