%0 Journal Article %T Propaganda anticancerosa, mobiliza o de elites e consci¨ºncia sanit¨¢ria em Portugal : despertar consci¨ºncias e educar para a sa¨²de na primeira metade do s¨¦culo XX %A Rui Manuel Pinto Costa %J CEM : Cultura, Espa£¿o & Mem¨®ria %D 2010 %I Universidade do Porto, CITCEM %X The object of this article is the Portuguese anticancer propaganda in the first half of the 20th century. It intends to show that although greater propagandistic efforts were made following the foundation of the Instituto Portugu¨ºs para o Estudo do Cancro in 1923, it would become more intense during the Estado Novo period. The impact of medical discourse on social agents and politicians, materialized into a campaign of constant social persuasion. The preventive attitude of the fight against cancer became one of the main agents in the conquest of national health awareness, in a country still devoid of relevant achievements in areas such as health education for the masses. %K Cancer %K Propaganda %K Education %K Health %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/8848.pdf