%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯¨¦tude pr¨¦alable et la conservation - restauration des graffitis des intern¨¦s au camp de Drancy. %A M¨¦lanie Curdy %J CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art %D 2012 %I CeROArt %X Pendant l¡¯occupation de la France par le r¨¦gime nazi, les Juifs intern¨¦s au camp de transit de Drancy inscrivirent des messages sur les murs qui les retenaient prisonniers. Recouverts par des badigeons et des enduits, des graffitis furent ainsi conserv¨¦s sur les cloisons des anciens espaces d¡¯internement, reconvertis aujourd¡¯hui en appartements. Dans le cadre d¡¯un m¨¦moire de l¡®Institut national du patrimoine a ¨¦t¨¦ men¨¦e l¡¯¨¦tude pr¨¦alable de ces graffitis. Afin de visualiser les inscriptions recouvertes, une m¨¦thode d¡¯examen non invasive innovante, mettant en uvre les ondes t¨¦rahertz, a ¨¦t¨¦ exp¨¦riment¨¦e. Les graffitis de Drancy ont ¨¦t¨¦ ensuite restaur¨¦s, pour leur rendre leur lisibilit¨¦ et assurer leur conservation. During the Second World War, the Jewish prisoners of the transit camp in Drancy inscribed messages on the walls of their prison. Concealed under coats of whitewash and plasters, the graffiti have been preserved on the walls of the former camp that has been turned into apartments again. The preliminary study of the graffiti were conducted at the Institut national du patrimoine. A scientific study led to the implementation of non-invasive examination methods of the covered mural inscriptions through the testing of potential applications of terahertz imaging. The graffiti were then conserved in order to ensure their legibility and preservation. %K graffiti %K Drancy %K covering %K uncovering %K imaging %K non-destructive examination %K terahertz %K d¨¦gagement %K graffiti %K Drancy %K recouvrement %K imagerie %K examen non-destructif %K t¨¦rahertz %U http://ceroart.revues.org/2598