%0 Journal Article %T Enzyme-Catalyzed Transetherification of Alkoxysilanes %A Vincenzo Abbate %A Kurt F. Brandstadt %A Peter G. Taylor %A Alan R. Bassindale %J Catalysts %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/catal3010027 %X We report the first evidence of an enzyme-catalyzed transetherification of model alkoxysilanes. During an extensive enzymatic screening in the search for new biocatalysts for silicon-oxygen bond formation, we found that certain enzymes promoted the transetherification of alkoxysilanes when tert-butanol or 1-octanol were used as the reaction solvents. %K enzyme %K biomimetic catalysis %K transetherification %K alkoxysilane %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4344/3/1/27