%0 Journal Article %T Mis¨¨re de la critique The Poverty of Criticism. A Rejoinder to Fr¨¦d¨¦ric Ocqueteau %A Didier Fassin %J Champ P¨¦nal %D 2012 %I Champ p¨¦nal %X Mon livre La Force de l¡¯ordre a fait l¡¯objet d¡¯une note de lecture de Fr¨¦d¨¦ric Ocqueteau dont je montre les ¨¦tonnantes inexactitudes factuelles et les syst¨¦matiques proc¨¨s d¡¯intention. Au-del¨¤ cependant de ce qui pourrait ¨ºtre le cruel d¨¦voilement de la mis¨¨re de cette critique, je pr¨¦f¨¨re prendre au s¨¦rieux deux probl¨¨mes qui la sous-tendent. Le premier concerne la possibilit¨¦ de mont¨¦e en g¨¦n¨¦ralit¨¦ ¨¤ partir d¡¯une ¨¦tude de cas ; je distingue deux formes de g¨¦n¨¦ralisation, l¡¯une statistique (supposant la repr¨¦sentativit¨¦ qui n¡¯a pas de sens ici), l¡¯autre analytique (montrant des m¨¦canismes, des processus et des logiques qu¡¯une ethnographie peut rendre visibles). Le second touche ¨¤ la pertinence d¡¯une approche anthropologique, en compl¨¦ment des travaux des sp¨¦cialistes de la police ; je sugg¨¨re que la valeur ajout¨¦e tient ¨¤ l¡¯ouverture de nouvelles probl¨¦matiques (que favorise un regard neuf sur des objets tr¨¨s ¨¦tudi¨¦s) et ¨¤ la possibilit¨¦ d¡¯une plus grande distanciation (qu¡¯autorise une certaine ind¨¦pendance par rapport ¨¤ l¡¯institution). Le choix de l¡¯invective plut t que de la discussion fait de cette note de lecture une occasion manqu¨¦e de d¨¦battre sur le fond ces importantes questions ¨¦pist¨¦mologiques. My book La Force de l¡¯ordre is the object of a review by Fr¨¦d¨¦ric Ocqueteau of which I show the staggering factual errors and systematic prejudices. However, beyond what could simply be the cruel unveiling of the poverty of this criticism, I take seriously two problems that underlie it. The first one concerns the possibility of generalizing from a case study: I distinguish two forms of generalization, one statistical (supposing a representative sample, which is meaningless here), the other analytical (showing the mechanisms, processes and logics that an ethnography can make visible). The second one deals with the relevance of an anthropological approach complementary of the works of police specialists; I suggest that the added value derives from the opening of new problematics (facilitated by a new perspective on objects already studied) and the possibility of a greater distance (permitted by a certain independance regarding the institution). The choice of the invective instead of the discussion by the author of the review leads to a missed opportunity to debate in depth these important epistemological questions. %K police %K criticism %K ethnography %K anthropology %K epistemology %K police %K ethnographie %K critique %K anthropologie %K ¨¦pist¨¦mologie %K France %K XXIe s. %U http://champpenal.revues.org/8233