%0 Journal Article %T The rescue of a medieval, painted tabernacle from Marianka Pas cka, north Poland %A Natalia Gruszczyk %J CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art %D 2012 %I CeROArt %X The wooden tabernacle from Marianka Pas cka, dated to the early 15th century, is one of the few, still preserved from that period, in Poland. The progress of its damage had been probably slight between 15th and early 20th century. The artefact has always been mounted in the wall of its original church interior, despite the denominational changes. It has incessantly fulfilled its tasks, but was simultaneously exposed to diverse destructive factors, resulting from its use and quite stormy history of the village. The effects of that are ¨C among others ¨C gunshot holes on the painted Man of Sorrows on the door, his extremely damaged face and almost archaeological condition of the oak wood. The aim of treatment was to stop the process of damage and enable the tabernacle to continue fulfilling its functions while preserving its historic and artistic values. Le tabernacle de Marianka Paslecka du d¨¦but de XV ¨¨ si¨¨cle est un de rares tabernacles en bois de cette ¨¦poque encore pr¨¦serv¨¦ en Pologne Sa d¨¦gradation, entre XV¨¨me le d¨¦but de XXI¨¨me si¨¨cle, a vraisemblablement progress¨¦ lentement. Malgr¨¦ les changements de confession, l¡¯objet a toujours conserv¨¦ sa place dans le mur de l¡¯¨¦glise pour laquelle il avait ¨¦t¨¦ con u. Il a rempli sa fonction sans discontinuer, en ¨¦tant expos¨¦ aux divers facteurs d¨¦gradants li¨¦s ¨¤ son usage et ¨¤ l¡¯histoire assez mouvement¨¦e du village. Leurs effets furent, entre autres, les trous des balles r¨¦sultant de coups de feu sur la peinture repr¨¦sentant L¡¯Homme de douleurs, la face du Christ extr¨ºmement endommag¨¦e et la condition presque arch¨¦ologique du bois de ch¨ºne constituant le tabernacle. Le traitement entrepris avait pour but arr¨ºter la d¨¦gradation et rendre ¨¤ l¡¯objet la possibilit¨¦ de maintenir sa fonction tout en pr¨¦servant ses valeurs historiques et artistiques. %K wood %K consolidation %K retouch %K medieval %K tabernacle %K Man of Sorrows %K bois %K retouche %K consolidation %K moyen-age %K tabernacle %K homme des douleurs %U http://ceroart.revues.org/2584