%0 Journal Article %T Jean-Paul Brodeur on High and Low Policing %A Peter K. Manning %J Champ P¨¦nal %D 2012 %I Champ p¨¦nal %R 10.4000/champpenal.8285 %X Cet article se divise en trois parties. La premi¨¨re partie proc¨¨de ¨¤ une lecture d¨¦taill¨¦e de High policing and low policing¡­ , l¡¯article en anglais le plus influent de Jean-Paul Brodeur qui formula en 1983 les concepts de haute et de basse police. Cette discussion tient compte de la version plus d¨¦taill¨¦e de ce cadre th¨¦orique qui est contenue dans The Policing Web, son dernier livre. La deuxi¨¨me partie examine la prescience de l¡¯article sur la haute et la basse police, qui anticipa les d¨¦veloppements actuels dont le rythme s¡¯est acc¨¦l¨¦r¨¦ depuis les attentats du 11 septembre. La troisi¨¨me partie se penche sur l¡¯importance d¡¯inclure la haute police dans une th¨¦orie ¨¦mergente du policing. This paper is divided in three parts. The first part is a close reading of ¡°High Policing and Low policing¡­.¡±, Jean-Paul Brodeur¡¯s most influential article, which was published in 1983. This discussion takes into account the refined version of this argument seen in The Policing Web, his last book. The second part is an assessment of the prescience of the high and low policing paper. It foretold contemporaneous developments whose pace has accelerated in the post-9/11 environment. The third part is a reflection on the importance of including high policing in an emergent theory of policing. %K accountability %K Jean-Paul Brodeur %K high and low policing %K intelligence %K political policing %K Jean-Paul Brodeur %K haute et basse police %K imputabilit¨¦ %K police politique %K renseignement %U http://champpenal.revues.org/8285