%0 Journal Article %T ¨¦tude et restauration de deux sculptures de jardin en terre cuite %A Sabrina V¨¦tillard %J CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art %D 2012 %I CeROArt %X L¡¯¨¦tude et la restauration de deux sphynges en terre cuite, particuli¨¨rement d¨¦grad¨¦es par leur installation en ext¨¦rieur, ont permis d¡¯approfondir la connaissance des techniques d¡¯estampage, de caract¨¦riser les propri¨¦t¨¦s des terres cuites et les m¨¦canismes de d¨¦gradation li¨¦s au gel. Les diff¨¦rentes techniques mises en oeuvre ont ¨¦t¨¦ l¡¯occasion de r¨¦fl¨¦chir aux limites d¡¯intervention pour des sculptures de jardin. The study and the restoration of two sphynges in terra-cotta, particularly degraded by their outdoor installation, allowed to deepen the knowledge of stamping techniques, to characterize the properties of terra-cottas and mechanisms of degradation bound to the frost. The different techniques used were the opportunity to think about limits of intervention for garden installed sculptures. %K cleaning %K consolidation %K Terra-cotta %K foliated material %K fillers %K nettoyage %K consolidation %K terre cuite %K enduits %K bouchage %K mat¨¦riau feuillet¨¦ %U http://ceroart.revues.org/2613