%0 Journal Article %T Os dois caminhos: uma investiga o dos fundamentos das atitudes do metodismo con-servador na crise da d¨¦cada de sessenta %A Daniel Augusto Schmidt %J Caminhando %D 2011 %I Universidade Metodista de S?o Paulo %X RESUMOEste artigo estuda uma crise vivida pela Igreja Metodista na segunda metade da d¨¦cada de sessenta. Influenciado pelo ambiente pol¨ªtico da ditadura militar, o metodismo brasileiro foi campo de um embate entre as alas liberais e conservadoras da denomina o. Palco deste embate foi a Faculdade de Teologia e o II Conc¨ªlio Geral Extraordin¨¢rio, em 1968, al¨¦m de uma s¨¦rie de eventos que a ele se seguiram durante os anos de 1969 e 1970. A pesquisa problematiza os fundamentos teol¨®gicos e ideol¨®gicos que fundamentaram as atitudes das alas conservadoras do metodismo neste conflito, um aspecto pouco considerado pela historiografia sobre o tema. A principal suspeita ¨¦ a de que as posturas conservadoras decorreram de uma tradi o centen¨¢ria, trazida pelos mission¨¢rios norteamericanos, quando da implanta o do Protestantismo no Brasil. Esta tradi o transformou-se numa esp¨¦cie de Ethos do protestantismo brasileiro, entre o final do s¨¦culo XIX e meados do XX. A postura dos conservadores configura-se, assim, numa rea o ao Ethos amea ado por novos atores do campo religioso e pelas demandas da sociedade em conflito.Palavras-chave: 1. Protestantismo 2. Igreja Metodista 3. D¨¦cada de sessenta 4. Conservadorismo 5. Crise.ABSTRACTThis article studies the crisis experienced by the Methodist Church of Brazil in the second half of the 1960¡¯s. Influenced by the political environment of the military dictatorship, Brazilian Methodism was a space of collision between liberal and conservative groups of the denomination. The principle space of this collision was the School of Theology and the II Extraordinary General Council, in 1968, as well as a series of events that followed during the years 1969 and 1970. The research raises questions regarding the theological and ideological foundations that provided the bases for the attitudes of the conservative groups of Methodism in this conflict, which is an aspect rarely considered by historical studies regarding the theme. The principle suspicion is that the conservative positions originated from a centuries old tradition, brought by North American missionaries during the implantation of Protestantism in Brazil. This tradition was transformed into an Ethos of Brazilian Protestantism between the end of the XIX and the middle of the XX century. The conservative position was configured, as such, in reaction to the Ethos threatened by new actors in the religious field and by the demands of a society in conflict.Keywords: 1. Protestantism 2. Methodist Church 3. Decade of the sixties 4. Conservatism 5. Crisis. RESUMENEste trabajo estudia %K Protestantism 2. Methodist Church 3. Decade of the sixties 4. Conservatism 5. Crisis. %U https://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-ims/index.php/CA/article/view/2849/2803