%0 Journal Article %T EST芍NDARES Y REGULACI車N DE CALIDAD DE LA FORMACI車N DE PROFESORES: DISCUSI車N DEL CASO CHILENO DESDE UNA PERSPECTIVA COMPARADA %A Carmen Sotomayor %A Jacqueline Gysling %J Calidad en la Educaci車n %D 2011 %I Consejo Nacional de Educaci車n %X This article analyzes four regulation systems regarding to the quality of teacher education based on standards, and discusses the actions that are being developed on this field in Chile. Casesaddressed were: Victoria-Australia, Quebec-Canada, New York-United States, and England- United Kingdom. All the analyzed cases have specialized government agencies, and an explicit policy oriented to regulate the quality of teacher education provided by public and private universities. Results showed that despite the actions taken, the Chilean system remains as the less regulated when compared to the other analyzed cases.Keywords: teacher education, standards, quality control in teacher education, accreditation, teacher certification. %K Calidad en la Educaci車n %U http://www.cned.cl/public/Secciones/SeccionRevistaCalidad/doc/71/cse_articulo994.pdf